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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Since coming back from Aunty Ida's house in KL, eiliyah has become a fan of "Tiger Biskuat". Hahaha.. Aunty Ida la yg teach eiliyah to eat this biscuit. And she does like it.... She can finish 2 biscuits almost everytime she eats them.

Eiliyah and her biskut tiger...

In a few days, eiliyah is going to be 1 year old. She has learned a lot of things. She can play picka boo.

Picka boo in action


Aysha Nureiliyah is also very fleksible. She always bend her body down to her feet. It's either playing or merajuk.. hehehhehe...

Wacha doing baby?

As always.... she still loves to smile. Now with her 4 teeth.. you can see them clearly.
Happy little girl

This weekend, ibu and ayah took eiliyah to Kenny Roger's just for fun... having a family meal together.... While waiting for the foods to arrive, eiliyah tried to entertain herself with some reading. Hehheheh... Just for the record, baby eiliyah cannot see peaple reading anything, especially newspaper.... she will always wanna join and read together... or else..she'll make sure you cannot read it anymore... hahahahah..evil...

With her confident face.. pretending as she know what the story in the mag is all about..

Once the foods is ready, eiliyah starts pointing to everything... i ... that and that.. and that... that too... hahahah.. she loves to eat... especially when people around her are eating...
Eiliyah want soup..ibu

The muffins looks tasty too

Nyum.. nyum...

These are the 2 full and happy faces

The End.