Where did we go to next? We went to visit Tok Nan & Pah Nani. Hmm... this is eiliyah's first time to see Tok Nan since raya hari tu tak sempat dtg. Eiliyah was very happy since kat rumah Tok Nan ade 1 room which was full of toys. Hehhe.. cucu Tok Nan punya... Eiliyah pinjam main jap.
Kat umah Tok Nan special skit. Kat rumah ni... ade salasilah family ayah. There's one big frame which consist the salasilah from ayah's great great great great great... great-grandparents. For eiliyah's info, dulu mase eiliyah baru lahir.... Tok Nan ade suggest kat ayah to put "Puteri" or "Radin" in your name so that tak hilang the family name... but setelah dipikir2.. ibu & ayah rasa Aysha Nureiliyah is sweet & enough. Bukan tak mau... it's just that nama ayah or Tok Daddy tak de plak Tun/Megat/Radin. People will question later on even though actually ade keturunan tu. Leceh utk ayah & ibu explain plak... Peduli ape? heehheh... betoi gak.. mmg pun... peduli ape kalau org question kan? We have the background.. bukannya pakai tangkap muat je.. ye dak? Hehheheh... Ok2.. will consider for eiliyah's adik nanti. Hahhahah...
Mana nama eiliyah??? Q ok? Wait for your turn... nama ibu pun tak update lg...heheeh... just smp nama ayah, aunty Diny and aunty Ida je.
From rumah Tok Nan, we went to rumah Uncle Palee pulak. Ayah's bestfriend... sure la ayah nak sembang jap. Tadi jumpa kejap sgt.. Lgpun actually.. ayah dahaga nescafe. Hehehhehe.... ayah kata in this world... setakat ayah kenal.. cuma Pah Ngah & mak Uncle Palee je buat nescafe sedap. hehehhehe....
We stayed kat rumah Uncle Palee lame gak. After maghrib baru bertolak balik. Eiliyah ok.. sgt manja ngan Auntie Shira... maybe coz cam Cik Muni skit kot. Below are some pix of eiliyah kat rumah Uncle Palee.
Nape perut eiliyah tak cam Uncle Palee? hahahhaha... jgn marah!
Ok.. the next day.... we went to Uncle Opal's convocation day. Eiliyah was asleep when we arrived. So.. we weren't long. After amik gambar skit2... we went home. Lgpun.. Uncle Opal dah hungry....
Ibu & Uncle Opal
Seblum masuk dlm kreta, ibu ngan ayah realize that behind us was the dewan that ayah & ibu had our wedding dulu. So, we took a picture.. Same dewan, ayah, ibu and this time there's eiliyah.
The End. ~
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