From Nyang's house we straight went to Autocity Juru. Tok Daddy & family are already waiting for us. Yupp.. that day was Tok Daddy's birthday! Yupp.. a year older.. or secara sopannye.. a year wiser... hehhehe.
In the morning before we went to Nyang's house, we already celebrated. Tok daddy potong cake pagi2 lg. Belom sempat nak nyanyi, dah tiup lilin.. apa la.. heheheh.
We had lunch at Manhattan Fish Market. Ok... best gak! Ibu had grilled fish og the day... on that day it was Dory fish. Sedap! Eiliyah ate a bit of the isi ikan + fries (of course bahagian dalam isi je) ...
After makan, even though semua kenyang, Tok daddy offer to belanja aiskrim plak kat Swensen's. There's always space for icecream. Hehhehehe... ibu, Aunty Ida & Aunty Diny.. we like! At first ayah didn't want to order anything. Kononnye sgt kenyang. But when the ice cream came to the table. ayah la org fiirst yg mengadap!
Eiliyah had the chance to taste the cherry. Nyumm..nyumm.. nice.. eiliyah love fruits. Abih comot anak ibu ni... but on that day.. mmg macam2 eiliyah makan.. from half boil egg to ice cream... Nasib tak sakit perut dah...
Nyumm.. me likey... like..
rindu nak mentatap wajah bb eiliyah akhirnya terubat dengan entry ini. hehehe...
bb eiliyah is super cumel...
Hi Hanis... thanks for following eiliyah's blog. Do come and visit always.. Ibu will try to update regularly... insyaallah....
Semakin comel la Eiliyah.... Eiliyah tak leh mkn telur ke? Cian dia dpt allergic. Tapi Eiliyah bagus, suka try semua food. Cam Irdina suka mkn food yang org mkn... Bila Irdina nk jumpa Eiliyah ni?
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