Hmm.. actually byk gak benda2 yg eiliyah has learn this month. One of them is sitting down. Aysha Nureiliyah dah pandai duduk dgn sendirinya. Before this, didudukkan... Hehehe.. siap ngan duduk bersila lg. Kalau tak caya.. tgk la pix bwh ni... Nanti kalau ibu sempat.. ibu try to record her actions in the process of sitting down.
Next, eiliyah jugak dah pandai panjat2 and then stand. Yup.. that's right! She can stand. And ibu had the chance to witness it during her first attemp. Yeayy.. for ibu! Critenya mcm ni... disebabkan eiliyah susah sgt nak duduk diam. So ibu put her in her crib to see if she coul behave herself in there. Just for your info, eiliyah mmg tak pernah tido dlm crib lg setakat ni.. hehhehe.. Wanna know y? Because ibu rase.. since ibu is working in the day, can't play with eiliyah... y should ibu not spent my night with my darling? Ibu just luv holding & hugging her when she's asleep. On weekend? It's ayah's turn of course. So... until today, eiliyah still spending her good night sleep on the bed besides ayah & ibu.
Ok2.. back to the story. After belek2 crib, she started to hold the palang2 kat crib tu. Then slowly, she pulled herself up. Wow... she was already standing. But then, dalam baru nak blajar berdiri sendiri tu, eiliyah dah start nak show-off dah. She tried holding on to the crib with only 1 hand. Ishh2... nak tunjuk terer la tu! But still... ibu was so happy coz ibu dapat menyaksikan persembahan itu. Impressed... until ibu missed out to take photo at that time. Hahahahah... But below are some photos of her doing the same action a few days later.
Think eiliyah think...
Hmm.. lagi? Eiliyah dapat present walker from ayah. At first, eiliyah cume can reverse je. Tu pun skit2 je.. then uwaaa... boring~. Heheheh... then ok la... bole la bergerak ke kiri... 1,2,3...8. Lapan lg... kanan, forward & backward. But still... she doesn't like to sit in there for long. Cepat boring kot.
Eiliyah also dah pandai clap her hands. Kalau dgr lagu tepuk amai2... she will clap, dgr songs... whatever song... clap lg. Even nasyid pun clap jugak.. hehehhe... ibu will put her clapping vieo in thhe next post (as per Cik Muni's request). High 5.... she's still in the process of learnng this. Haven't mastered yet. Kalau ibu put ibu's hand out and say "5", eiliyah sometimes (not always) will 5 back. But not just 1 time or 2 time. She'll do it several times... like clapping.. but using just 1 of her hand and banging it to ibu's hand.
Talking about banging.... eiliyah like to bang 2 stuff/things together. If it makes a sound, then she'll keep on banging them together. Heheheh.. don't care wherether it's ibu hp or even the notebook. Aiyooo...
Anoter one, eiliyah dah pandai waive an say ""tatatatata"... not just ta-ta. Don't know la how many ta-ta she'll say before actually stopping. Merangkak? Nope.. still no improvement on that. But menjulur... very fast! Like a Comando....
Ibu guess that's all... Will upload more vidoe in the next post... also a request from Cik Muni. Ok.. gudnite. Wanna go hug my little girl now.... daaa~
sedihnya i missed all those new things bebe can do.
nak buat cmna in jurassic park.
hurm...miss bebe so much.
(flying kiss!) XoXoXo
eh walker eiliyah sama cam indah punya :-) indah pun dh boring dah dok dlm walker..dia dok dlm tu sejak 4 bulan lg..cepat ja 9 bulan eiliyah ni..kaki pun dh panjang ;-)
Cik Muni: tu la... nanti Cik Muni balik eiliyah dah big dah... tak pa la...nak buat camna kan? No worries. Eiliyah still kenal u. If ibu show your pix from the your IPGTESL blog, sure eiliyah sengih ja. Heheheh..
Mik'yal: Ek eh... same ke? leh la nanti kita buat pertandngan "lari dlm walker". Dua2 baby guna walker yg same. Sure cute kan? Hehehe... :-) Cepatnye Indah dok lam walker. Sure dah expert dah meronda...
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