This weekend... another trip to KL. Ibu ade eye check-up lg! This time.. pah & Aunty Diny ikut skali. Thursday nite... after maghrib... kite bertolak. Sempat lg singgah Autocity Juru... tgk2 Factory outlet kat situ... Byk baju2 & cute dress for eiliyah.. heheheh... but tak buy pun..just tgk2.. pegang2..belek2... & letak balik.. hahahah... coz ibu tak suka shopping kalut2... next time leh dtg shopping! At around 12 midnite, we stop kejap kat Tapah... lapar! After makan.. terserempak plak ngan family Tok Mamu... what a coincidence. They all on the way to KL too. On Saturday ade kenduri kat Kuantan... anak nani khala nak kawen.... sorry we cannot make it!
We arrived in KL at nearly 2 am. Cam biase stayed at Pah's Hawa house again. The next day, ibu ngan ayah pegi la hospital without eiliyah (as always). Frustrated nye ibu... there was no doc on that day. They had conference on that day.. and ibu was not informed. Argghhh.. what a waste! Ibu had to make a new appoinment... doc suggest the next week. Ooohhh noo... ingat dekat ke? So.. ibu choose the next appoinment to be in July.
Since no check-up, ibu ngan ayah went to KLCC to eat. Singgah kat Toys'R'Us dulu... g memane pun... mesti teringat kat our darling girl.... hehehhe.. ayah & ibu bought a new toy for baby eiliyah. Toy ni can encourage eiliyah to crawl....mmg betoi pun! Dapat je toy tu... eiliyah mmg aktif & trying hard to crawl...hehhehe.. Abih beli toy... ibu & ayah pening cari tmpt makan... too many people. Maybe sbb cuti sekolah kot... Last2 ibu ngan ayah ate kat Madam Kwan's... sedap! Can go again...hehehhe..
That nite, we stayed at Legend Hotel. Saje suka2.... heheheh.. kire cam family holiday la. Hmm.. at least didn't come to KL for nothing... the hotel... hmm..not bad~ the room was great. Sian Aunty Diny, Aunty ida & Pah la... had to sleep in the hall. Becoz ayah booked a 1 room apartment.
The next morning... we had breakfast at Di-Atas Brasserie. Sian Aunty Ida... had to go to work that day.. can't join us for breakfast becoz takut that she'll be late for work. Hmm.. mase we all tgh menikmati our food.. baby eiliyah yg seakan2 dengki... heheheh.. mula la... ehek..ehhekkk... starting her engine. hahahha.. nak kata hungry.. baru je minum susu before turun tu. Maybe tergugat tgk everybody's eating & ignoring her.. So.. ibu pun amik la papaya & lecek2 kan... try suap baby eiliyah. Not sure if she's gonna like it or not. Coz that was her first 'fruit tasting'.... N yeahhh.. she likes it... Baby eiliyah ni mmg suka makan. hehehhe...
After kekenyangan.. eiliyah pun tido. Hahahah.. bole la we all makan dengan senang hati.
Petang tu.. Pah Nab & Uncle Azrul datang... Aunty Dina & her sister also came not long after that. After ayah finish with his presentation... they all pun balik. Ayah plak was not feeling well that day. Having a cold... headache.. nampak sgt ayah tired & tak larat. Byk time dihabiskan dgn berehat je.
Then.. ptg tu lepas makan ubat & sleep, ayah dah ok skit. We went jln2 kat The Mall jap. Nothing interesting... just that kat Parkson ade baby fair... so ibu survey la if there's anything yg menarik. But no... most dress & cloth are for toddler.. too big for eiliyah... save duit ayah! But still.. eiliyah dapat present from Pah... a blu hippo. Then makan petang kat Medan Hang Tuah. The foods there sedap gak... After makan.. Aunty Ida came to fetch us... ayah tak larat nak drive... We went to visit Uncle Wardi kat Hospital... Uncle Wardi kena operation ... apendiks..
Mlm tu.. family Pah Hawa datang... sempat la sembang2 & makan2... then they all balik & we all pun tido. The next morning, Pah, Aunty Diny & Aunty Ida turun breakfast early becoz Aunty Ida kena keja lg. Around kul 9.30 am baru ibu ngan ayah plak turun breakfast.Eiliyah tak turun this time.... she stayed ngan Pah & Aunty Diny. After makan.. rest kejap.. then balik. Next time... definitely will come again.
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