Skang ni eiliyah tgh tido. That's y ibu have time to update her blog. Time tgh rajin ni baik update siap2. Takut nanti bile tak sempat... sunyi sepi plak blog ni. Ayah cam dah resign je from doing this.. hahahhaha. Hmm... it's not easy to sleep kan eiliyah tonight. She's sleepy.. but still nak main. Dah minum susu... mata pun dah separuh je... tetibe meniarap... trying not to fall a sleep la tu. Ish.. baby ni.... tgk la aksi2 Aysha Nureiliyah Binti Mohamad Irwan ni...
Cam ni la eiliyah time nak sleep skang... golek..guling..terbalik...terguling!
Bile dah tak leh tahan dah... bising...
Perasan tak muka baby eiliyah kat atas ni semua comot2? Wanna know y? This baby ade habit suka garu. Bukan pelan2.. smp luka! At first ingatkan pasal panas.. but dalam aircond pun still she garu2... Habit la tu. Yesterday just 2 je bintik or bintat kecik.. but today.. dah merebak. Kulit eiliyah ni dah la a bit sensitif. Ibu dah letak ubat dah.. hopefully it will be gone in a few days.
Another story... Today ibu received a weird phone call from Cik Muni. When ibu pickup the phone... silence... no one was talking.. then suddenly dengar bising2.... pastu hangup. Aiiii???? What happen? Ibu try calling back... 2.. 3 kali masuk mailbox je. Then ibu tried calling Cik Mar. Cik Muni yg pickup... ghupenye2 baby eiliyah called ibu using Cik Muni's speed dial. Hahahhaha...anak ayah ni... dah celik IT..... dah pandai buat phone call plak... cute!
Moving backward... last Sunday ibu & hababah took eiliyah to klinik kesihatan.. regular checkup. Ayah tak ikut coz ayah went to repair the car. There's something wong with the alarm. So... the update is... baby eiliyah is now weighing 7.2kg. Panjang plak 68cm. Wah wah wah... anak ibu is growing so fast.
Hmm.. this month we have to berjimat skit. Heheheh... byk kuar duit bulan ni! Repair kereta je dah brape. Not forgetting shopping during Jusco Member's Day....kempis gak la wallet ayah.... hahahah... Bukan ibu yg bayk habiskan duit ayah tau! Eiliyah la... even eiliyah tak ikut g shopping but still eiliyah nye barang la yg paling expensive. Ayah bought eiliyah a new stroller... blue colour.. cam kreta ayah. Stroller lame still will be using... but untuk bwk eiliyah round2 in Habib's garden je. Heheheh... yg baru kite tinggal in ayah's car. Senang skit.
Hmm.. forgot to mention... at last baby eiliyah dah pandai panggil ibu... No.. no... it's not the way u think... eiliyah bukan refer ibu as "ibu"... She calls me by my name... Ina. Maybe terikut dengan ayah yg call ibu as "Ina".. At first ibu cam tak caye mase Cik Muni bgtau.. but when i heard it myself.... "Inaaa... inaaa..." hahahhaha.. so funny la baby ni! Cannot la camni sayang...
It should be easier to say "Buuu" right? Camne "ayah" yg susah nak sebut tu eiliyah leh sebut? Not fair la camni...
A few days back... eiliyah ade sebut "Naa ayyyaahh... naa ayyyahhh". Sian je dgr... she miss her ayah la tu. Gud news was ayah came back that night.... happy la baby kecik ni! Main gomoi2 ngan ayah.. then she tidokan ayah.. hehehhe.... Ayah came back kejap je... just to see his darling daughter... Around 2 am camtu ayah balik rumah Tok Daddy to watch MU match ngan Tok Daddy. Sadly... kalah plak! Jgn marah ayah...
1) bebe
2) kuih pau
3) mata cantek
4) bulan
5) sweet potato
6) baby tomato
I believe there's more to come.... hehehehhe... just wait for the updates...
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