Aysha Nureiliyah's 1st Bitrtday Counter

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Eiliyah turns 2.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Assalamualaikum darling...

15th Nov 2010... yeahh... it's Aysha Nureiliyah birthday. Alhamdulliah... anak ibu dah besar, sihat & makin bijak. This year... it falls on Monday. So.. ibu & ayah takde la celebrate since it's a working day. However...ibu did order a cake from ibu's friend kat ofis, Aunty Hijriah. Cake yg ibu order is just a choclate cake. Ibu suka kek ni because it's not just covered with choclates... tapi kek ni terendam in choclates. Ibu pun tak sure nama kek ni ape.. but ibu panggil kek banjir. Hahhahah.. Yes.. i know... for a kid... it's not that attractive since it's just choc... not colourful and everything. But ibu mmg teringin nak makan... so ibu order gak la.

Kononnya kek tu ibu nak buat kek besday eiliyah la. Nak bawak balik rumah Pah and rumah nyang nanti mase 17th Nov... which is raya haji. But... baru je ibu smp rumah kite mlm tu... terus ayah suh potong... tak sempat ibu nak letak beg and bukak tudung. Terus je duduk kat living room... nyanyi lagu besday kat anak ayah & ibu yg comey ni.. pastu potong kek. Heheheh... sambut birthday gak la mlm tu kirenye.. but just kite 3 beranak je la. Gambar kek tu... ibu tak sempat amik la.... hehhehehe..

So.. setelah meminta kebenaran ayah... (mesti2 since banyak sgt kek nak order ni.. lgpun ayah yg nak pay.. hhahahah) ibu kena la order kek lain utk celebrate besday eiliyah beramai2 nanti. Takkan plak nak guna kek yg dah suku dimakan tu.. ye dak? So...nak order kat kawan ibu yg sama... ibu rasa dia agak sebok ngan tempahan untuk raya. So, kali ni ibu order kat kawan ibu nye wife plak... Aunty Jeri. Memula tu cam segan gak la.. sbb nak order last minutes.. the next 2 days tu dah raya Aidiladha... but blasah gak la tanya. And Alhamdulillah... dia terima order ibu. So.. kali ni dapatla ibu order kek yg colourful skit untuk anak ibu.

Jenuh gak la ibu pk nak order kek ape... bentuk ape... nak design cam mane... hehhehe... Pulak tu ibu agak tamak jugak la... hehhehe.. order dua plak tu. Sbb satu nak bawak g rumah Pah Gee (kali ni sambut raya haji kat sana)with Pah, Tok Daddy n Aunty Diny. Then satu g untuk rumah Nyang plak... nak celebrate ngan family belah ibu plak petang tu. Ye la.. tak bestkan nak guna kek yg dah potong utk celebrate the second time...

On Tuesday nite.. lepas Maghrib camtu... on our way to Tok Daddy's house...we singgah dulu rumah Uncle Nuli and Aunty Jeri.. to amik kek2 yg diorder tu. It was raining renyai2 skit time tu.. so ingat cam tak masuk la kot. Lagipun ayah cam dah lambat skit. But at last masuk gak.. sempat la chit chat skit2 ngan Aunty Jeri and Uncle Nuli. Hehehe... eiliyah plak dapat geng... Irdina (anak Uncle Nuli). Sebok je dia tak mau balik nak main basikal pink Irdina. Hehhehe..

So.. the first kek yg diorder is Marble Choc Cheese Cake... bentuk Mickey Mouse... heheheh.. sbb anak ibu ni sgt la suka Mickey Mouse Clubhouse kat Disney Channel tu. Kek ni bawak g rumah Pah Gee.

Pagi raya... lepas breakfast and solat raya... kita pun bertolak ke Alor Setar. Actually nak g tgk Aunty Ily yg baru bersalin and her new baby boy... Ismail Widad. Sambil2 tu beraya ngan family Pah Gee.. ramai meriah skit.
First..or should ibu say second birthday cake for eiliyah's 2nd birthday.

Eiliyah & her birthday kek.

Ibu nak posing gak ngan birthday girl.

Wahh.. Hawa Qaisara siap cekak pinggang lagi ni... apsal?

Aysha Nureiliyah waiting patiently to blow-out the candles.

Tarik nafas dulu...
And blow.. with muka control je.

Now... ibu help to cut the cake. Kalau just leave it to eiliyah to cut.. abih la kek tu dicincang2 nanti.
Eh... jangan lupa pose ngan ayah dulu....

A rocking horse.. eiliyah birthday prsent... gift from Pah & Tok Daddy.

Hawa pun dapat satu gak... ye la takut berebut plak nanti. Hhehehe..

Hawa happy dapat rocking horse.

Ni plak.. mini rocking chair.. alsoa present from Tok Daddy and Pah.

After potong kek.. it's time to go kacau baby Widad plak...
Baby Widad baru wake-up.

Alamak.. crying plak...
Ok.. back to cool mood.
Lapar ke Widad?
Pelik tgk ramai org ye, Widad?

Baby Widad buat aksi.. I'm the winner!

Sambil2 tgk baby Widad.. eiliyah actually found another baby. Hawa's baby doll.... hehehhe.. and she plays and handle the baby just like a real one.. suka betul dia ngan doll tu... Siap... "shhh"kan orang and say.. baby nak sleep... Hehhehe...So... ibu kena la beli doll kat eiliyah lepas ni. Ok.. ibu k.i.v dulu ye?
Eiliyah practise nak jaga adik nanti ye, sayang?

Ala... siap usap2 baby lagi.. nak sleepkan baby.

Dalam around 3 pm camtu... kite pun balik rumah Pah. Petang skit.. aroung 5.30pm camtu.. batu bertolak g rumah Nyang kat Penang plak. Kat rumah Nyang plak... we had a Butter Span Ladybug cake...
This is eiliyah's secong cake for that day.

Eiliyah getting ready to cut her cake...

Ibu nak take pic ngan birthday girl lagi.
Again.. ibu help to cut the cake...

Kat rumah Nyang.. agak meriah coz ramai geng2 si kecil cam eiliyah.

Opening presents time.

Below are pictures taken the next day.. eiliyah going tru all her presents. Mase ni eiliyah comot skit.. coz she's actually very sleepy. And ayah was already on the way back home... so ayah yg sangat rindu nak play with daughter, suh ibu jgn bagi eiliyah slepp yet. So... this is one one the way... let her play. Lagipun.. masa kat rumah Nyang.. just bukak present from wrapping je. Ibu tak kasi bukak from packaging lagi sbb nanti susah nak angkat masuk kreta. Hehheheh...

Ape ni?

A gift from hababah, Ami Acip, Cik Mar, Cik Muni and Uncle Opal.
A mini car.

Duduk on rocking chair plak while trying to control her car..
Nape tak jalan pun ibu? Hahahah.. sbb ibu tak put key and start the engine.

Ayah's gift
A gift from ibu..

Bugs Bunny is from Tok Walid and family.

Present from Tok Monjah and family..

Gift from Tok Momad and family.

Cik Mar with another gift.

A present from Ami Bulya and family.

Eiliyah takut skit ngan toy ni... sbb dia leh bunyi2 cam cat. But kalau tak on sound.. she still plays with it.

Eiliyah with almost all her present.

Set masak2.. another present from Cik Mar.

Eiliyah is another fan of masak2 toy... siap suh ibu... "Ibu... potong cili api sat..."

Siap suap moi bagi baby makan.

Change baju baby plak...
Put back her socks... pandai la anak ibu.. leh help ibu jage adik la ye?

Anak ibu nak g school ke?

Gambar eiliyah and rocking hourse takde... coz toy tu tinggal kat rumah Pah.

Hahhaha.. ok la..dah kul 8.10 am. Ibu nak siap g ofis. Hehhehe... Thanks to Aunty Hijriah for the wonderful choc kek banjir. Thanks to Aunty Jeri for the marvelous 2 cakes... nice and taste good too. Thanks to all yg came to celebrate and bagi presents to ayah and ibu's little girl. Thank u all...


Natrah said...

waa..untungnya eiliyah.b'day cakes sampai 3..cayang sungguh ibu dia kt dia..

Ibu said...

heheheh... terpaksa beli byk la Nat... byk tmpt nak celebrate.heheheh..