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My Growing-Up Baby

Friday, March 5, 2010


Today.. nothing much.. ibu just wanna update a few things about the apple of my eyes.... Aysha Nureiliyah Binti Mohamad Irwan. Wow... some people said that her name is so long.... Is it true? Ibu don't think so.. I just guess... that nowdays... most of the little generation are having 2 to 3 names... not including their father's name. So... Eiliyah.. no worries...you're normal.

Aysha Nureiliyah... if you look at her... she's like a soft cute little darling. However, don't be fooled by that sweet face of hers. Hahhahah... if tak caya tanya Ayah. Now he nows...
Aysha Nureiliyah.. yes.. a very clever girl.. talk much.. but only a few words that we understand. Dah pandai sebut Ayah, Pah, Hababah, Ina, Ayan (Aryan Zufairy - will crite pasal ni later), na nek (nak naik), tutup, and a few other words... ibu can't recall right now.

Ibu noticed that a few days back.. she's kinda active with her feet and legs. She likes to lift up her legs and pushes it to people when she laying down. Kind of like kicking. Not while standing though... that would be worst. However, what she's doing now is also kinda rude. Don't want her to think that it's okay to do that... So, ibu smack her legs and said no to her. Of course i didn't smack her hard. Eiliyah ngan muka selamba and takde perasan... keep on kicking. Ibu smack her again. Still she continue doing so. The same thing keep repeating after one and another... until she finally kick and then smack her one leg. Do u get it? Eiliyah tendang ibu and then she pukul her own kaki. So naughty2 little girl. Geram but kinda funny seeing that. Ayah pun gelak je tgk...

Eiliyah looks so sweet

Looking at this picture... gambar eiliyah bertudung ni.. ibu rase so thankful to Allah for this beutiful little girl. Cam tak caye kan... baby ni sgt naughty? Hahhahah.. naughty but still a good girl. Biasa la.. kids.

Now, ibu's smiling. Wanna know y? One statement crossed my mind. Last week.. during Uncle Palee's wedding.. there's one pakcik yang seronok sgt tgk ke'cheecky'an eiliyah.... mane tak nye.. eiliyah asyik lentok & senyum.... he said to ibu... Cepat la ko dapat menantu nanti. Hahahahha... funny...

Ain't she lovely?

Aysha Nureiliyah skang suka geram2 kat org. Sukit cubit2, gigit and ngengau2... kat tmpt yg sakit2 plak tu.. cam kat bibir. My darling baby.... also dah pandai panjat kerusi. Pandai ketuk pintu (lama dah ni...) and mcm2 lagi.

K la.. ibu rase hari ni nye update smp sini je. Dah kul 1.41am... nak g tido. So we end this post ngan pic eiliyah wearing sunglasses. This is actually Hababah's sunglass. Eiliyah cam suka je pakai... so ibu bought one for eiliyah. However, eiliyah still likes Hababah's one better.
So.. that's it. Gudnite sweetheart..
Pic ni baru la nampak cam naughty2 girl skit.

Eiliyah & Habib.