Again... another late update from ibu. Heheheh.. late is better than never... right ayah?
About... last 2 weeks, our weekends was fully occupied with busy activities. Firstly, on Saturday morning... we had breakfast at Tok Lan's stall. Hehhhehe.. jgn marah Abg Lan! Then after perut dah kenyang, we headed to PISA. Ade PC Fair that day... and ayah was waiting for it... coz ayah dah mmg plan nak change his notebook. Notebook lama ayah.. dah menjadi hak milik kekal ibu... Yeayyy.. ibu have her own new lappy! (",) So happy.... since dah lama ibu meminjam je... since laptop dulu rosak.
At the PC Fair, actually ibu quite risau.. takut Aysha Nureiliyah mengamuk coz mengantuk or rimas ramai org. But Alhamdulillah... eiliyah was well behave. Baik anak ibu ni.... After a round tawaf di bahagian atas, ibu decided to just duduk kat kerusi2 je ngan eiliyah. Ayah turun ke bawah sesorang to survey for his new lappy.
Eiliyah was so happy playing sesorang. Berjalan kiri then kanan plak... penat ibu kena ikut. Panjat kerusi...then play with her balloon. Balloon free from Maxis. Hehehhe... all the people around was just watching eiliyah playing... even though she was playing by herself, but punya la bising.. pot pek pot pek... sampai ayah bole hear dr bawah. No need to call... dah tau kat mane ibu ngan eiliyah duduk.
After dah survey, baru ayah ajak ibu & eiliyah g tgk the short listed lappy yg ayah berkenan. After dah tgk, decide and buy.... we moved to our next agenda. Need to check-in into the hotel since ayah dah lambat utk uruskan his officemate nye check-in plak. We stayed in Copthorne Hotel.
Ibu ngan eiliyah sempat berehat kejap while ayah went to hotel ape ntah... to help his officemates. Then, that night, ade dinner. Dinner was at Holiday Inn. The food was delicious. Ayah dapat makan kambing... while ibu dapat ibu's all time favourite.... ketam. Nyumm..nyumm... sedap! Eiliyah? Eiliyah makan apa saja yang ibu n ayah makan.... as always. Semua eiliyah dapat rasa.
During the dinner, there was one part yg ayah took over to being the MC. At that time, eiliyah yg sangat manja...dgr suara ayah then nampak ayah kat atas stage... terus start crying... nak dok kat ngan ayah. Aiyooo.. this baby.... so manja nowdays. Merap ayah & ibu... especially ayah la. Ok.. back to the story... smp ayah kena amik eiliyah naik on the stage as well.. baru la baby happy. Senyum cheeky.... Sgt2 naughty!
During the dinner, there was one part yg ayah took over to being the MC. At that time, eiliyah yg sangat manja...dgr suara ayah then nampak ayah kat atas stage... terus start crying... nak dok kat ngan ayah. Aiyooo.. this baby.... so manja nowdays. Merap ayah & ibu... especially ayah la. Ok.. back to the story... smp ayah kena amik eiliyah naik on the stage as well.. baru la baby happy. Senyum cheeky.... Sgt2 naughty!
The next morning, ibu, ayah, eiliyah, uncle zaki n uncle asrul had breakfast together. Ok la... bole tahan gak breakfast kat situ. Not so bad... After breakfast, we headed to Holiday Inn again. Ade games plak....
The event was held kat tepi pantai. Eiliyah at first happy.. but then bile ibu & ayah nak letak eiliyah kat pasir.... she start crying... hehhehehe... dia geli pasir kot. Lawak toi...
Kat air... lagi teruk... nangis like mad! Hmm.. ibu tau ni ikut simptom2 sape... Hehhehehe... ikut ayah la! Takut air! Hehehhehe...
Since... ngan air tak berjaya. We start back from the basic. Try bagi eiliyah ok ngan sands first. Antara steps yg ayah did... 1st, taburkan2 sand di kaki eiliyah. Mmg she bising but lama2 ok la.
Then ayah tried to put her down... eiliyah's feet touching the sand... but this made her upset. She starts crying balik. But ayah.. dengan pekak telinga dan berhati batu.. (hehhehehe.. jgn marah ayah ye?) buat derkkk je.. buat dunno.
At last.... selepas dipujuk, eiliyah ok. Then slow2, she starts to be fine sitting on the sand, standing on the sand, and then she starts.... starts playing with the sand herself. Habih rambut semua mandi pasir. Ish2....
After berpenat & berletih-letihan, we went back to the hotel room. Pack barang utk nak check-out. Eiliyah tired face look like this... Hahhahahha...
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