Sorry... ibu tau... blog ni dah berkulat coz lama tak diupdate. Been very busy and tied up with work lately. Kalau ikutkan hati.. mmg nak sleep dgn berpelukkan eilyah dah ni (best je tgk baby ibu sleep)... but memandangkan teringat akan blog yg dah sunyi sepi ni... ibu gagahkan diri jugak to update.. even though sgt penat & tak larat.
Actually...mmg terlalu byk even yg dah missed out. But what to do... need to update the latest story first. Tgk la... esok2..bila dah tak tau nak crite ape... maybe ibu recap balik whatever story yg tertinggal tu. As for now, the latest news & update is about raya.
2009 - This is the first year Aysha Nureiliyah us celebrating raya. Ibu & ayah of course sgt2 hepi to be celebrating raya with our little girl. Pagi raya as usual kat rumah Tok Daddy & Pah. This year Pah Nab & Pah Hawa raya kat KL... so tak ramai la kat rumah. Then in the afternoon we went to Nyang's house because Habib and all as always beraya beramai2 kat rumah Nyang... meriah! Betoi.... tak tipu.. bayangkan anak Nyang je dah 9 orang + 9 menantu + cucu Nyang ade 35 (actually 37 but 2 dah meninggal - Uncle Aman & Uncle Khidir) + 7 cucu menantu + cicit Nyang 11... all together 73 people in one house. Ramai kan??? So.. just bayangkan how meriah it was. Just to inform.. eiliyah is Nyang's 10th cicit.
Heheheh... sure ramai yg waiting to see eiliyah in her baju kurung. Yes... eiliyah wore baju kurung di pagi raya. Ibu thought that she wouldn't last long in that outfit... but it was a manage to stay on her till evening. Maybe it's due to a cotton baju kurung. Yes.. ibu mmg nak buat baju kurung cotton for my little girl as I think she'll be more comfortable in it. Furthermore, she'll look sweeter and ayu... hahahhaahh...
Aktiviti yg paling best and paling ditunggu tunggu oleh kids and is when counter2 duit raya start to open. Mmg riuh rendah. Beratur.... yes... it's a tradition ...since ibu kecik lg pun cam ni... mcm kat sekolah tu.. just to kutip duit raya. Eiliyah??? Ibu la beratur dgn baby...
Slalunya ada aktiviti bermain bunga api beramai2.. but this year kureng la... can also say as takde... no one to sponsor bunga api kot this year... hehehhe... just Hilman je play mercun... but that's dangerous.. so eiliyah tak leh join.
Another thing yg we always do kat rumah Nyang is family photo. Yes.. every year amik family photo.. but tak pernah cuci.. hahahha... disebabkan "Jurugambar" asyik kena perli je every year... this year ade sedikit perubahan. Jurugambar dah cuci & framekan each family punye photo on raya 2007 (if tak silap la...). Hopefully this year punye picture turns out great. Below pix are some of the family photo's taken but ni yg using our camera la. "Jurugambar" punya picture blom dapat lg.
We all mmg suka bergambar.. Y ibu cakap we all??? Because ibu rasa semua kat rumah Nyang tu suka bergamabr. Tak caya???? This alwayssss happen... i think everytime bile we all berkumpul ramai2. When there's a group of people nak take picture.... there must be ade yg nak tumpang skali.. then below is what happen...
Bayangkan plak... every picture above was not taken by 1 camera. There's a few... everyone wants the picture in their own camera. Actually the last photo above was not the last frame. There's more after that but since the person taking the picture also dah join in... had to used the "Jurugambar" punye camera la. Picture is still unavailable to preview.
Sure ade yg tanye.. y all picture belah ibu je? Mane photo with Tok Daddy's family?? Hmmm... soalan cepu emas... mane yeee???? Raya Haji nanti la nampaknya..... hehhehehe...
Ok la.. Ibu rase this is enough for today... Byk lagi crite raya.. but sambung di entry akan datang plak... Selamat Hari Raya semua.....
Sure ade yg tanye.. y all picture belah ibu je? Mane photo with Tok Daddy's family?? Hmmm... soalan cepu emas... mane yeee???? Raya Haji nanti la nampaknya..... hehhehehe...
Ok la.. Ibu rase this is enough for today... Byk lagi crite raya.. but sambung di entry akan datang plak... Selamat Hari Raya semua.....
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