Ok.. continue on ibu's previous post... Kak Awni.. or her full name Awni Damia Qistina (panjang toi nama..) is eiliyah's double cousin. She is a single child in her family.. (as for now la... hehehe). She actually likes being a single child. Maybe bole manja lebih kot... hehehe.. she even treatend her mommy... if got baby.. she going to run away from home... hahaha... very funny.
There's this one day... she and her mommy came to pah's house. Just because she saw her mommy holding Eiliyah.. terus merajuk... Tak mau masuk rumah... Heheheh... There's another day plak... the day which eiliyah's borrowed her tudung (yes.. as the previous post)... memula ok.. then when eiliyah wore her tudung.. everyone's attention was shifted to baby eiliyah... started puji eiliyah... and Kak Awni merajuk lg.
Merajuk lame gak... but then don't know how eiliyah does it... they all start playing together plak... smp Kak Awni mintak her mommy's permission to spend the night at Pah's house. Hehehehe... siap kena pujuk plak suh dia balik and come back the next day.
That's all.... bubbye
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