Ok... sambung pasal kenduri Aunty Ida balik. Kali ni kenduri seblah Uncle Fahmi plak.. which was in Seremban. Lepas balik dari melawat Hababah kat hospital... kite terus headed to Seremban. Pah, Tok Daddy, Aunty Ida and Aunty Diny are already there waiting for us at Seri Malaysia.We arrived there late... kul 4am kot.
The next day, time tgh siap2 getting ready nak g kenduri.. tetibe.. spec itu terbahagi into 2. Hahahha.. screw terkeluar and hilang. So.. seblahtangkai spec tercabut la.... and ibu cannot see clearly. Terpaksa la ibu ngan ayah kuar awal skit to go to kedai spec memane. Memula plan nak tinggal je eiliyah kat Pah so that can settle cepat skit urusan membetulkan spec ni. But eiliyah tak mau ikut Pah.. so terpaksa la bawak darling ni skali.
Ok... sambung pasal kenduri Aunty Ida balik. Kali ni kenduri seblah Uncle Fahmi plak.. which was in Seremban. Lepas balik dari melawat Hababah kat hospital... kite terus headed to Seremban. Pah, Tok Daddy, Aunty Ida and Aunty Diny are already there waiting for us at Seri Malaysia.We arrived there late... kul 4am kot.
The next day, time tgh siap2 getting ready nak g kenduri.. tetibe.. spec itu terbahagi into 2. Hahahha.. screw terkeluar and hilang. So.. seblahtangkai spec tercabut la.... and ibu cannot see clearly. Terpaksa la ibu ngan ayah kuar awal skit to go to kedai spec memane. Memula plan nak tinggal je eiliyah kat Pah so that can settle cepat skit urusan membetulkan spec ni. But eiliyah tak mau ikut Pah.. so terpaksa la bawak darling ni skali.
Plan tu nak g Tesco... but on the way there.. ade kedai spec tepi jalan.. so ayah just stopped there. Sekejap je.. dah settle. Ibu gan eiliyah tak turun from car pun. Just ayah only. Lepas tu.. we stopped jugak kat Tesco sbb ingat awal lagi. But bile call Pah.. rupe2nye.. they all semua dah kuar. So.. tak sempat nak jejalan dalam Tesco tu... baru je masuk... ayah dah ajak to go back in the car. However, eventhough kat entrance je... eiliyah sempat gak paw ayah a pajamas. Hahahhaa.. sempat lagi Aysha Nureiliyah ni.
Pas beli tu, terus masuk kreta balik. Since kuar dari parking tu dah a bit in front from tempat perjanjian untuk berkumpul all the family members... so we headed to the tempat kenduri dulu. And waited for them there. Kite lepak dalam kreta je. Lama jugak tunggu dalam kreta tu for the rombongan to arrive.
So.. sementara menunggu tu, sempat ibu snap a few photos of these 2 people, love of my darlings.
"Aysha nak duk ngan ayah la...."
Ayah and his sweet strawberry...
Ibu nak join jugak!
Lepas a few minutes tu, rombongan pun sampai. So we joined them. Nothing much nak story mase ni.. just enjoy the pix.
Pah... she looked lovely that day.... glamour and has that "mom of the bride" kinda look...hehehhe,,
We didn't stayed long at the wedding. After makan ramai yang cabut.... Hmm... the wedding looks great but it was really hot that day. Not enough fans kot... maybe because it was kinda tertutup and no wind helping to cool everyone down. We all did not even take any family photo with Aunty Ida and Uncle Fahmi... sian derang.
Eiliyah dah bising2 nak balik....
After kenduri terus ibu and eiliyah ikut Pah, Aunty Diny, and Tok Daddy balik. From Seremban direct going back to Penang. Ayah as usual.. stayed there coz busy with his work. He'll be back a few days later. Lagipun ibu nak balik tgk Hababah sakit.... that's why balik cepat skit.
Okla... that's all about Aunty Ida's wedding day. Congratulation...
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