Ok... kali ni kite story pasal kenduri Uncle Nik plak. Kenduri Uncle Nik was back on 9 Oct 2010. It was held in Melaka. Yes, we went to Melaka kali ni. Cam biasa... we went to KL first, stayed at Aunty Ida's house for the night and the next day baru bertolak g kenduri Uncle Nik.
Mase nak g KL ni... ibu agak risau skit nak travel.. coz mase ni baru dapat tau yg Aysha Nureiliyah Binti Mohamad Irwan dah nak jadi kakak. Hheheheh... mase ni baru 8 weeks camtu. So awal2 nak travel jauh agak merisaukan gak la. But Alhamdulillah.... semuanya selamat hingga ke hari ini. Syukur...
Back to the main story. Pagi Sabtu tu, eiliyah siap2 pakai gaun. Dress yg buat mase aqiqah Eiliyah dulu.. Hehehhe.. yes, baju tu still bole pakai coz mmg dibuat besar and labuh. Kire chomel la pagi tu mase nak bertolak...
We planned to meet Uncle Palee, Aunty Emy and Uncle Peje kat RnR Seremban. Mase kat RnR tu, we waited for Uncle Palee and the geng kat Petronas station. While waiting, ayah masuk dalam Mesra mart tu untuk buy some drinks. Heheeh.. there ayah saw some Upin Ipin stuff and ayah bought an Upin Ipin wristband, a lanyard and a book for eiliyah. Eiliyah punya la happy dapat those stuff. Seronok betoi... sayangnya wristband tu besar... ayah yg muat pakai. Besar cam mane pun eiliyah tak kire.. still hers and she want to wear jugak. Then, seronok betoi eiliyah bace her books... actually bukan bace.. but tgk2. Dia sronok because buku tu have stickers inside...
After a few minutes, ibu & ayah baru dapat tau yg eiliyah ni ade allergic rupanya. Allergic bace buku dalam car. Cam mane ibu ngan ayah tau? Sbb... sepanjang perjalanan after bertolak from Petronas tu, eiliyah asyik mengadap her Upin Ipin book je. Then, just a few minutes later... Uwek.. uwekk... no2... bukan ibu yg morning sickness... it was eiliyah. Pening agaknya bace buku dalam car... padan la tetibe dia diam je... Abih all her baju. Pastu dia siap nangis2 lagi coz tak selesa. What to do... nak berenti kat next stop.. jauh lagi. So had to stop the car kat tepi jalan. Nasib the area looks save to berenti by the road side. Ayah called Uncle Palee to inform them and they stop as well.
Nasib baik la ibu ngan eiliyah duduk kat seat blakang.. so alhamdulillah tak kena baju ibu.. just kena skit kat tangan je. Eiliyah takpe, coz mmg bawak baju spare kat budak kecik ni. So, kat tepi jalan tu, eiliyah dibersihkan and ditukar baju. Lepas ibu lap2 kreta ayah... and kite sambung semula perjalanan. Alhamdulillah eiliyah dah ok dah after that.
Smp kenduri Uncle Nik, kite makan dulu. Hheheeh... lagipun pengantin tak sampai lg. Then later, after makan, penagntin pun arrived. Ayah & Uncle Palee sebok la jadi photographer extra.Hehheh..
Uncle Nik and Aunty Farah entering the hall.
The bride and groom looks so happy.
Dalam goody bag that was given to the guests, ade la sweet shape like a watermelon yg kinda looks like a loollipop. Malangnya anak ibu yang suka memproses barang2 ni, ternampak la akan benda menarik tersebut. Ape lagi.. "nak.. nak.." la Aysha Nureiliyah kata. Nak kata tak bole kesian plak. Slalunya ibu tak bg eiliyah makan bende2 i coz gigi eiliyah yg tak makan sweet pu dah sememangnya rongak. But, since eiliyah was a good girl that day, ibu pun benarkan la dia eat. Kirenya ni first lollipop yang eiliyah taste. Say thanks to Uncle Nik... hehehh... Sian anak ibu, nak makan pun tak reti. Sampai ibu ngan ayah kena ajar plak... u kena lick bukan gigit la baby.
Eiliyah and her first lollipop.
Hmm.. menikmati sungguh..
Uncle and Aunty Emy.
Ibu still kenakan syarat.. kalau nak makan sweet... kena makan nasi dulu. Kalau tak makan ibu amik balik lollipop tu.
Eiliyah makan nasi in order to keep her lollipop.
There was this 1 time yg eiliyah menunjukkan bakat dia menggunakan i-phone ayah. Tgk gambar kat phone ayah... after1 then slide to another one. Seronok plak tu... coz semua org cam impress with her. Hahhahah...
Eiliyah showing off.
Then after makan2, dgr org karaoke, and bersembang2... we waited a while to take photo with the pengantin. Tunggu punya tunggu... tak dapat2 amik gak. Biasa la.. pengantin ramai family members... kami paham. Then, since tunggu agak lama and it's already about 4pm.... we decided to just leave. So.. no pic with pengantin. But before we leave, ibu change baju dulu. Takkan nak g jejalan ngan pakai baju kurung kot. But, bukan ibu sorang je yang change. Aysha Nureiliyah... abih comot makan lollipop tu. So, had to change her as well. Nasib baik la ibu bawak byk baju eiliyah.
After kenduri, we headed to the A'famosa resort. Actually.. ibu yang ajak ayah g sana.. saje nak bawak eiliyah jejalan. Actually, ibu have no idea ape yg ade kat sane pun. Main blasah je pegi. We decided to go to the Animal World Safari.
After parking the car, nampak ade elephant, camel and a pony in front of the entrance. So we took some pictures first. Eiliyah sangatla penakut... ngan elephant and camel tu. nak dekat skit to take picture pun dah nangis2. Ingatkan because those animal are quite big... but ngan poby pun dia takut jugak. Hampeh la...
Ibu and Aysha Nureiliyah
The camel
Tgk la eiliyah peluk ibu rapat... padahal elephant tu jauh lg.
Ngan pony pun takut jugak. Ibu je yg beriya skit nak take photo jugak2.
Then, we went to the ticket counter. Agak terkezut jugak la tgk the price. Untuk adult is like RM45. Malangnya, mase ayah & Uncle Palee g tanye kat the workers there... they all cakap animal shows are all already over. And the Animal Safari closes at 5.30pm.. somewhere around that. Tak ingat the exact time. And we look at our watch.. it's already 4.45pm. Argghhhh... rugi la kalau masuk with the cost of RM45 each but only for like 45 minutes. Then, decides not to go in. What to do... dah tak de rezeki Eiliyah. Takpe la... next time kite mai awal pagi k?
So, we just lepak2 kat luar tu je la sambil2 pikir2 nak masuk Cowboy Town ke tak.. Cowboy Town opens at around 6pm cam tu. Sambil2 tu.. we just tooks photos je la. At last... we decides not to go to the Cowboy Town too since nanti balik malam pulak. So... just enjoy the pics that we snap...
Eiliyah story about the animals... bila jauh brani la... mase dekat tadik... nangis.
Ayah & ibu's little girl.
Anak ayah..
Manja tul ngan ayah dia...
Not really sure what they were laughing about...
Eiliyah trying to copy what ayah was doing.
At first, eiliyah cam sombong2 skit ngan Aunty Emy. But then, Aunty Emy la yang banyak melayan eiliyah kat situ. Bawak eiliyah jalan2...
Since takde wat ape, we entered the store there. It was like a souvenir shop. Eiliyah "pau" Aunty Emy for some ice-cream. Hehhehe.. bijak betoi anak ibu.
Ok.. tu je la photo yg dapat ditayangkan. Hope it brings great memory to us in the future...
Uncle Palee, Aunty Emy and Aysha Nureiliyah.
Aunty Emy yg trying very hard to get a lovely pose ngan eiliyah.
Eiliyah tertarik ngan pelampung yg dijual kat situ.
Took a candid pic of eiliyah in the store with the ice-cream yg she "pau" her Aunty Emy.
Suka betoi eiliyah makan aiskrim tu.. sampai finish.
Ni la muka comot eiliyah lepas makan ice-cream.
Aunty Emy & Uncle Palee.
Sian Uncle Peje takde teman. So keje dia keja take photo je la...
Uncle Palee yg sebok 'enterprem'.
Tak dapat bergambar ngan animal betoi... lukisan pun jadik la.
Anak ibu trying to make a cute face & pose.
Want to know y eiliyah pose cam ni?
sbb ni la... Uncle & Aunty yg sebok. Hahhaha..
Ayah & Ibu.
Hahhaha.. we tgh tgk eiliyah's reaction after above pic.
Hahhaha.. dah agak dah. Eiliyah mesti seboknya... tak bagi ibu bermesra2 ngan ayah. Jeles kuat!
Our happy family.
Mmmuahh... sayang Aysha Nureiliyah.
Hahahhaha.. eiliyah rimas tersepit ditgh2.
Aunty Emy & Eiliyah.
Even dgn pokok bentuk giraffe ni pun eiliyah takut gak.
Ok.. tu je la photo yg dapat ditayangkan. Hope it brings great memory to us in the future...
So, after snapping photos here and there... we all pun bertolak balik. Kononnya, nak meet up kat RnR Seremban to eat or something. But baru sampai kat mane ntah.. Senawang ke mane... ayah dah ngantuk gile. So, we stop there first so that ayah can take a nap for a while. Mase tu ayah suh ibu call Uncle Palee to just go ahead and to inform him that we were stopping there. Lepas je ibu called to inform... eiliyah sebok and start her phone call acting. She took ibu's phone cover, and act like it was a real phone. Eiliyah buat2 call Uncle Palee... and said "Alee... Asya ni. Ayah tido'. Ibu ade. Hmm... " bla.. bla... and bla.. ibu dah tak ingat ape lagi eiliyah membebel mase tu. Hehehhe... then pastu kate plak... "Tepon mi plak..." and started her conversation all over again. But this time the call was shorter... However kali ni sempat la ibu amik ibu nye phone and recorded her voice. Hahhaha... So cute. Then it went on with ... "Ucle Eje lak..." and bla..bla.. bla..
So cute!
Ok.. that's all for this update. Congratz to Uncle Nik and Aunty Farah. Moga happily ever after and cepat2 dapat baby! Hehhehehe..
Geramnya.. apsal font dia tak jadik macam mane yg ibu nak.... Nak tgk coding.. aduhh, malas la..renyah. So kali ni takde mekap2 for the post. There's a few post yg ade masalah font tu.. ignore je laye? Sorry...
kak innah preggy?? take good care sis! let us know the good news nnt ya?!
Yup... Eiliyah nak jadik kakak dah. hehehehhe.... InsyaAllah... dalam hujung bukan Mei nanti Mas will have 2 anak sedara la. Hehhehehe...
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