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Outdoor photoshoot...

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Again... ibu lambat update this bloggie... Hehehe.. no excuse this time. Just plain lazy... hahahhah... Anyway, just a summary should be enough in this post. A few weeks back, or better said as about 1 month back, ayah invited Cik Muni, Cik Mar and Uncle Opal to go to Mengkuang Dam. Nothing actually... ayah just wanted to test his new camera.

So, as per agreed, we were suppose to be there early in the morning. But, due to some unwanted matter, so arrived at about 11++am... nearly noon. There are some advantage that we are late, there's not many people around. Ye la... sapa nak dok kat sana tengahari rembang. Heheheh... just crazy photographers ja.. Why photographers??? Because we also met a couple of photographers with the bride & grooms whom are actually doing an outdoor photo session... just like us!

Nothing much..., basicly for about an hour or so... we had a small.. or could say tiny picnic... and just photo...photo..pose and clicks.... The models for that day, of course.. Uncle Opal, Cik Muni, Cik Mar and Ibu. Eiliyah?? Eiliyah.. SUPER MODEL of course! Heheheh...

Lots and lots of pix were captured, some were like cover album poses... hahahhah...

Uncle Opal menjiwangkan diri.

Cik Mar ngan tajuk album "MENGAH!".. heheheh..

Cik Muni layaaaaannn...

Others are action pix. The stuntman... Uncle Opal.
Aksi tumbukan terbang memecah tanah

Haiyakk.. tendangan ke awan kelabu!

Motorcycle tak leh start kick....

Also, normal poses...
Eiliyah making her cute+blur look.

Uncle Opal yg senget

Ibu & eiliyah

Ibu & Ayah

Cik Mar & Ibu

Eiliyah... pose skit!

Expression photos...
There evil thoughts in my mind. Hahahah..

Lets have fun.

Nak dukung...

What? Tak pernah tgk baby cute?

My precoius....

And of course... candid pixie...

Paparazzi style pix..

Eiliyah balancing?


Overall... it was a very fun and tiring day out. Can do it again some other time. Ok... hope u enjoyed the pixs. Another update.. coming soon.