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Besday Parties

Monday, October 12, 2009

Another chapter about raya. During raya, ade 2 besday parties yg Aysha Nureiliyah needed to attend. The first one is Hawa's birthday party. Hawa Qaisara turned 1 year old.

This is the besday girl

At teh party, ade a lot of balloons... and eiliyah ni penakut balloon. No.. no.. not all type of balloons. Actually baby eiliyah ni takut benda yg round and bole bergolek2. Yes.. eiliyah takut bola. That's the first thing yg ibu and ayah notice. Kat rumah Pah, there's one little football yg mmg eiliyah is scared of. Betoi.. kalau tak caya tgk pic below.

Arrrggggghhh... not this round thingy thing again...
Get this thing away from me...

Same goes to balloons. Bile bg balloon yg bulat.. nangis. Tapi kalau bagi kat baby eiliyah balloon with different shape.... eiliyah ok. Seronok play ngan balloons... pelik la baby ni.
These balloons are ok..
i like....

But now, eiliyah dah ok. Cured from the round thingy things syndrome. Hahahahah.... now eiliyah dah tak takut ngan football merah tu lg. Dah bole play with it. Ibu ngan ayah ajar baby eiliyah not to be afraid. But until today, no idea what's the reason she's afrai of it in the first place.

The next besday party, was Husna's birthday. Aleeya Husna also turned 1 year old.
This is the birthday girl

And as usual, when there's birthday party at Nyang's house, we'll celebrate all the birthday person in that month or quarter. So.. this time around... ibu was one of them. Happy birthda to me.. hheheheh..
Segan ibu nak take picture alone... angkut eiliyah join skali la...
Eiliyah pun nak sebok take picture ngan birthday cake gak...

One thing yg ibu remeber on that day was... ayah & Abg Farees berentap lawan PSP. Very happening. Hehehehhe... ayah lawan ngan budak kecik...
Abg Farees's fans...
Ayah & penyokong2nya....